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Our Story

How Foothill Farm Flowers Came to Be

Foothill Farm Flowers: Dahlias, Cosmos, Ranunculus, Anemones, Zinnias, Snapdragons and more

In 2018 our family was relocating to Provo, Utah.  We found ourselves with a large lot for the first time in our marriage, and since both my husband and I are passionate about gardening, we were excited about the prospects. I began calling our new home, on Foothill Drive, Foothill Farm. Before I looked at furniture or new carpeting, I was digging into resources for what I could grow on our .8-acre lot.  In my research, I discovered Floret, a family-run flower farm in Washington (ironically the very state we were moving from.)  I immediately ordered her book, "Cut-Flower Garden" and spent the first few months in our new home reading all about growing cut flowers.  


We had already planned for a veggie garden and orchard, so those were the first projects we completed.  But by the time that was up and running, I started to have new plans for the rest of the space.  I had planted a patch of peonies, and a smattering of blooming perennials. While initially my plans only included growing flowers for myself, I soon discovered that there was this thing called flower farming, and many people were doing it in their own yards, on lots even smaller than ours.  One night in the spring of 2019 I turned to my husband and said, "In 10 years, let's turn the backyard into a flower farm."  He was on board, but due to my impatient nature, 10 years turned into one.  By the spring of 2020, we were selling our first bouquets at the Provo & Orem Farmers Markets.

Provo Farmers Market: farm fresh bouquets in downtown Provo

Watching people's eyes light up as they discovered the joy of freshly cut flowers was addicting.  Initially, I thought that we'd only spend a season or two at the Farmers' markets.  But week after week, I just loved that connection with my fellow flower enthusiasts.  


I love listening to the stories they share.  About the friends and family plan to share the flowers with, how the flowers were medicine during a difficult time in their life, or about their own gardens, and the fun blooms they had growing there.  


In 2021 we began teaching our first on-farm workshops, and I discovered that educating flower friends on how to grow their own cut flowers was another great way to share that joy of flowers with my community.  We now teach workshops in both the spring and the fall.  

Dahlia workshop: come learn how to grow cut flowers at your home

So that's been our path so far.  We'd love to see you at an on-farm workshop or the Provo Farmers Market. Sharing joy through the beauty of flowers is our favorite thing.  Let us share some joy with you!

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